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要約 目的:角膜新生血管に対しベバシズマブ点眼が奏効した一例の報告。症例:59歳女性が左眼の眼痛で受診した。2年前からドライアイとして加療中であった。所見:矯正視力は左右とも1.2であり,左眼に角膜変性と血管侵入がある淡黄色の角膜混濁があった。ベタメタゾン点眼で角膜混濁が拡大した。1%ベバシズマブの点眼2か月で新生血管が退縮した。3週間後に新生血管が再発し,点眼を再開した。1週間後に新生血管が小さくなり,2か月後に退縮した。結論:ステロイド点眼に反応しない角膜新生血管に対し,ベバシズマブ点眼が有効であった。
Abstract. Purpose:To report a case in whom instillation of bevacizumab was effective for corneal neovascularization. Case:A 59-year-old woman presented with pain in the left eye. She had been treated for dry eye during the foregoing 2 years. Finding:Corrected visual acuity was 1.2 in either eye. The left eye showed corneal degeneration and yellowish opacity with neovascularization. Corneal opacity enlarged following instillation of betamethasone. Instillation of 1% bevacizumab for 2 months was followed by recession of corneal opacity. Corneal neovascularization recurred 3 weeks later. Instillation of bevacizumab was followed by recession of neovascularization one week later and by disappearance 2 months later. Conclusion:Topical bevacizumab was effective for corneal neovascularization resistant to topical corticosteroid.

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