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要約 目的:特発性黄斑円孔に対し,外来で日帰り硝子体手術を行った結果の報告。対象と方法:過去3年間に同一術者が手術した22例22眼を対象とした。男性6眼,女性16眼で,年齢は49~80歳(平均66歳)である。推定罹病期間は0.5~24か月,平均4.7か月であった。全例が全層黄斑円孔で,Gass分類では5眼が第2期,17眼が第3期であった。60歳以上の症例には白内障手術,全例に単純硝子体切除,後部硝子体剝離,無染色内境界膜剝離,空気タンポナーデを行った。術後約9時間は腹臥位,以後は仰臥位以外は自由な体位とした。視力はlogMARで評価した。結果:全例が初回手術で円孔が閉鎖した。視力は術前に比べ術後1か月以降で有意に改善し,術後18か月後の小数換算視力は平均1.01であった。合併症はなかった。結論:特発性黄斑円孔に対し,外来日帰り手術でも良好な結果が得られた。
Abstract. Purpose:To report the outcome of vitreous surgery for idiopathic macular hole on an outpatient basis. Cases:This retrospective study was made on consecutive series of 22 eyes of 22 patients who received surgery for full-thickness macular hole by a single surgeon in the past 3 years. The series comprised 6 males and 16 females. The age ranged from 49 to 80 years,average 66 years. The estimated interval from onset to surgery ranged from 2 weeks to 24 months,average 4.7 months. The macular hole was classified as stage 2 in 5 eyes and as stage 3 in 17 eyes after Gass. Method:Cases over 60 years of age received lensectomy. All eyes received simple vitrectomy,separation of posterior vitreous,peeling of internal limiting membrane without staining,and air tamponade. Patients were to remain in face-down position for 9 hours,to be followed by any position except supine one. Visual acuity was evaluated as logMAR. Results:Macular hole closed in all the eyes after single surgery. Visual acuity started to improve from one month until 18 months after surgery. There was no complication throughout. Conclusion:Day surgery on outpatient basis was effective for idiopathic full-thickness macular hole.

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