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要約 目的:炭酸ガスレーザーを用いて球結膜下への眼窩脂肪ヘルニアに行った手術の報告。対象と方法:炭酸ガスレーザーで手術をした眼窩脂肪ヘルニア16例20眼を対象とした。男性17眼,女性3眼で,年齢は38~87歳(平均67歳)である。球結膜とテノン囊をレーザーで切開して露出した脂肪組織を切除し,断端を再びレーザーで止血した。ヘルニア門を閉鎖し,再脱出を防止するため,テノン囊を強膜に縫着した。結果:炭酸ガスレーザーを使用することで切開と止血が同時にでき,手術時間は10~15分であった。全例で良好な結果が得られ,術後経過も良好であった。主訴と整容的な改善について高い満足度が得られた。結論:炭酸ガスレーザーを用いる眼窩脂肪ヘルニア手術は,出血が少なく短時間で行うことができ,良好な結果が得られた。
Abstract. Purpose:To report the outcome of surgery for herniated orbital fat under the bulbar conjunctiva with adjunct use of carbon dioxide laser. Cases and Method:This retrospective study was made on 20 eyes of 16 patients who received surgery for herniation of orbital fat. The series comprised 17 male and 3 female eyes. The age ranged from 38 to 87 years,average 67 years. As the standard procedure,laser was used to incise bulbar conjunctiva and Tenon capsule. The exposed orbital fat was resected and was cauterized by laser. Tenon capsule was sutured to the sclera in order to close the herniation gate and to prevent recurrence. Result:Use of carbon dioxide laser enabled simultaneous incision and hemostasis. Surgery was completed in 10 to 15 minutes with uneventful postoperative course. Patients were satisfied as to improvement of subjective complaints and cosmetic outcome. Conclusion:Surgery for herniated orbital fat using carbon dioxide laser resulted in short operative time and in good outcome regarding subjective and cosmetic findings.

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