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要約 目的:眼瞼下垂(加齢性,コンタクトレンズ長期装用によるもの,内眼術後)の治療にMüller筋を10mm以上タッキングした症例の報告。
方法:手術方法は眼瞼皮膚切開後瞼板中央に達し,瞼縁側の瞼板上の組織をペアンで把持して,瞼板をドーム状になるように斜め上方へ引き上げ牽引することで,Müller筋を立体的に引き出し,2か所でタッキングするMüller筋牽引縫縮眼瞼下垂手術(Extended Müller Tucking法)で行った。
結果:手術時間は両眼で33.2±5.8分であった。術後は全例MRD(marginal reflex distance)の改善がみられ,平均3.0±1.1mmの挙上が得られた。
結論:Extended Müller Tucking法は,低侵襲で安全,確実な上眼瞼挙上術である。
Abstract Purpose: To report the outcome of extended tucking of Müller muscle with CO2 laser for blepharoptosis.
Cases and Method: This retrospective study was made on 264 eyes of 132 cases who received surgery for blepharoptosis in the past 25 months. The series comprised 39 males and 93 females. The age ranged from 34 to 88 years, average 67 years. Blepharoptosis was due to ageing in 106 cases, to extended wear of contact lens in 23 cases, and to prior surgery in 3 cases. All the cases received simultaneous ptosis surgery in both eyes. Tucking of Müller muscle was performed by 10 mm or more.
Results: Duration of surgery averaged 33.2±5.8 minutes. In all the cases, it was possible to tuck the of Müller muscle in a clear view with minimum bleeding. After surgery, MRD improved in all cases by an average of 3.0±1.1 mm. After surgery, corneal erosion developed in 7 eyes and bleeding in one eye.
Conclusion: Extended tucking of Müller muscle with CO2 laser was safe, reliable and minimally invasive for blepharoptosis.

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