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要約 目的:片眼に白内障手術と眼内レンズ挿入が行われた症例での立体視と不等像視の報告。対象と方法:片眼に白内障手術が行われた11例を対象とした。男性7例,女性4例で,年齢は39~79歳(平均66歳)であった。僚眼の視力はすべて1.0以上であった。手術では水晶体乳化吸引術を行い,眼内レンズを囊内に固定した。視力,立体視,不等像視の検査は,術前と術後1か月に実施した。結果:術後の視力と立体視は全例で改善した。不等像視は増加2例,不変3例,減少6例であった。増加した2例は,眼軸長が26mm以上であった。結論:片眼への白内障手術と眼内レンズ挿入で立体視が改善する。眼軸が長い眼では両眼手術が望ましい。
Abstract. Purpose:To report binocular function and aniseikonia following unilateral cataract surgery. Cases and Method:This prospective study was made on 11 patients who received unilateral cataract surgery. The series comprised 7 males and 4 females. The age ranged from 39 to 79 years,average 66 years. All the cases had visual acuity of 1.0 or over in the fellow eye. All the cases received phacoemulsification-aspiration followed by intraocular lens implantation. All the cases were assessed for visual acuity,binocular function and aniseikonia before and one month after surgery. Results:Binocular function improved in all the cases. Aniseikonia increased in 2 cases,remained unchanged in 3,and decreased in 6. Two cases who showed increased aniseikonia had axial length of 26mm or longer. Conclusion:Unilateral cataract surgery and intraocular implantation results in improved binocular function. Bilateral cataract surgery is advocated for eyes with long axial length.

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