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要約 目的:年齢と性別の眼球の形態の報告。対象と方法:手術の既往がない成人333例333眼を対象とした。男性161例,女性172例で,平均年齢は男性52.8±19.7歳,女性54.7±18.4歳である。IOLマスターTMで眼軸長,角膜の横径と曲率半径,前房深度を測定した。結果:眼軸長は男性23.80±1.44mm,女性23.43±1.50mm,角膜横径は男性12.17±0.45mm,女性11.95±0.41mm,角膜曲率半径は男性7.77±0.28mm,女性7.64±0.27mm,前房深度は男性3.35±0.48mm,女性3.20±0.44mmで,いずれについても男性が有意に大きかった(p<0.005)。いずれの項目についても,年齢との間に負の相関があった(p<0.005)。結論:眼軸長,角膜横径,角膜曲率半径,前房深度は,いずれも男性で大きく,男女ともに高齢者ほど小さい。
Abstract. Purpose:To report the shape of the eyeglobe as related to age and gender in adults. Object and Method:This study was made on 333 eyes of 333 healthy adults. The series comprised 161 males and 172 females. The age averaged 52.8±19.7 years in males and 54.7±18.4 years in females. An IOL MasterTM was used to measure axial length, horizontal diameter and curvature of the cornea, and the depth of anterior chamber. Results:The axial length averaged 23.80±1.44mm in males and 23.43±1.50mm in females. Corneal diameter averaged 12.17±0.45mm in males and 11.95±0.41mm in females. Corneal curvature averaged 7.77±0.28mm in males and 7.64±0.27mm in females. Each item was greater in males than females(p<0.005). Each item was negatively correlated with age(p<0.005). Conclusion:Axial length, corneal diameter and curvature, and depth of anterior chamber are greater in males than females. Each item decreases with advancing age.

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