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要約 目的:免疫グロブリン遺伝子解析で診断が確定した球結膜下炎性偽腫瘍症例の報告。症例:38歳女性が4か月前からの左眼充血で受診した。所見と経過:裸眼視力は左右とも1.5であり,左眼には輪部上方の球結膜下に強く充血した径10mmの腫瘤があり,前部ぶどう膜炎の所見があった。腫瘤の生検でリンパ球の浸潤があり,免疫関連リンパ様組織(MALT)の可能性が疑われた。この細胞の遺伝子解析で,免疫グロブリンH鎖J領域にモノクロナリティがなく,炎性偽腫瘍と診断した。1年後に腫瘤の全摘出を行い,遺伝子解析で診断が再確定した。結論:球結膜下の腫瘤は,臨床的・病理組織学的に炎症か腫瘍かの鑑別が困難なことがあり,遺伝子解析が診断確定に有用である。
Abstract. Purpose:To report a case of subconjunctival inflammatory pseudotumor diagnosed by gene analysis of immunoglobulin. Case:A 38-year-old female presented with hyperemia in her left eye since 4 months before. Findings:Her visual acuity was 1.5 in either eye. A hyperemic tumor, 10mm in diameter, was present in the upper bulbar conjunctiva. The left eye also showed signs of anterior uveitis. Biopsy of the tumor showed infiltration of lymphocytes, suggesting mucosa-associated lymphoiod tissue(MALT). Molecular analysis of immunoglobulin gene showed absence of monoclonality, leading to the diagnosis of inflammatory pseudotumor. The same finding was observed by a similar analysis of tissue obtained during total resection of the tumor one year later. Conclusion:Subconjunctival tumor may be difficult to diagnose by clinical or histopathological means. Gene analysis of immunoglobulin may be useful in such instances.

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