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要約 目的:甲状腺眼症での上眼瞼後退に対するボツリヌス治療の効果と,上眼瞼挙筋や外眼筋肥大との関連の検索。症例と方法:上眼瞼後退に対して初回ボツリヌス治療を行った甲状腺眼症23例28眼を対象とし,治療効果,副作用,眼窩内の筋肥大などを検索した。結果:上眼瞼後退は23眼(82%)で改善した。瞼裂高は治療前が8~14mm(平均10.8mm),治療後が5~12mm(平均9.4mm)であり有意に減少した。磁気共鳴画像検査(MRI)による検査で,28眼中19眼に眼瞼挙筋と上直筋の1筋以上に肥大があり,9眼に肥大がなかった。筋肥大がある群では2眼(11%),筋肥大がない群では1眼(11%)で治療が無効であった。治療前にあったDalrymple徴候は28眼中14眼で消失し,Graefe徴候は28眼中1眼で消失した。結論:ボツリヌス治療は甲状腺眼症の上眼瞼後退に有効であるが,Graefe徴候は原則として改善しない。
Abstract. Purpose:To report the effect of botulinum toxin for eyelid retraction in dysthyroid ophthalmopathy with or without hypertrophy of intraorbital muscles. Cases and Method:We reviewed 28 eyes of 23 cases who received injection of botulinum toxin for eyelid retraction. Results:Eyelid retraction improved in 23 eyes(82%). The height of palpebral fissure ranged from 8 to 12mm, average 10.8mm, before treatment. It ranged from 5 to 12mm, average 9.4mm, 2 weeks after treatment. The difference was significant. By magnetic resonance imaging(MRI), hypertrophy of levator and/or superior rectus muscle was present in 19 eyes and absent in 9 eyes. Eyelid retraction improved in 2 eyes(11%)in the former group and in one eye(11%)in the latter. Dalrymple sign was present in 28 eyes before and disappeared in 14 eyes after treatment. Graefe sign was present in 28 eyes before and disappeared in one eye after treatment. Conclusion:Botulinum toxin is effective for eyelid retraction and not for Graefe sign in dysthyroid ophthalmopathy.

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