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要約 目的:糖尿病網膜症,血液流動性,全身因子の関係の報告。対象と方法:糖尿病患者60例60眼を対象とした。男性28名,女性32名で,平均年齢は58±13歳,平均罹病期間は15.1±9.3年である。微小循環モデル測定装置(microchannel array flow analyzer:MCFAN)で血液流動性を測定し,測定値は秒/100μlとして表現した。結果:血液流動性の測定値は,網膜症がない16眼では46.8,非増殖網膜症24眼では48.4,増殖網膜症20眼では52.5であり,3群間に有意差はなかった。血液流動性には,全身因子として大血管障害,高脂血症,HbAlcが相関し,年齢,性別,罹病期間,高血圧の有無とは相関しなかった。結論:糖尿病網膜症の重篤度と血液流動性の間には有意な相関はなかった。
Abstract. Purpose:To report the relationship among diabetic retinopathy, facility of blood flow, and systemic factors. Cases and Method:This study was made on 60 eyes of 60 diabetic patients. The series comprised 28 males and 32 females. Their age averaged 58±13 years. Diabetes had been present for an average of 15.1±9.3 years. Facility of blood flow was measured by a microchannel array flow analyzer and was expressed in terms of sec/100μl. Results:Facility of blood flow averaged 46.8 in 16 eyes with no retinopathy, 48.4 in 24 eyes with proliferative retinopathy, and 52.5 in 20 eyes with proliferative retinopathy. There was no significant correlation among the 3 groups. Facility of blood flow was positively correlated with macroangiopathy, hyperlipidemia, and HbA1c. It was not correlated with age, gender, duration of diabetes, or systemic hypertension. Conclusion:Severity of diabetic retinopathy is not correlated with facility of blood flow.

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