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要約 目的:難治緑内障に対するAhmed glaucoma valveの術後成績を検討する。方法:対象は,過去40か月間にAhmed glaucoma valveを挿入した124例130眼で,平均年齢62.9±15.1歳,平均観察期間59.4±17.8か月,緑内障病型は,原発開放隅角緑内障39眼,原発閉塞隅角緑内障7眼,発達緑内障3眼,続発緑内障81眼であった。手術方法はAhmed glaucoma valveを前房内に挿入した。結果:術前眼圧は平均30.4±10.6mmHg,術後1年で17.2±4.3mmHg,術後2年で17.1±2.8mmHgであった。1年生存率は76.2%,2年生存率は64.6%であった。結論:難治緑内障に対するAhmed glaucoma valve手術は有効であった。
Abstract. Purpose:To report the outcome of implantation of Ahmed glaucoma valve in eyes with refractory glaucoma. Cases and Method:This retrospective study was made on 130 eyes of 124 patients who received Ahmed glaucoma valve implantation in the anterior chamber in the past 40 months. The age averaged 63 years. The series comprised primary open-angle glaucoma 39 eyes, primary angle-closure glaucoma 7 eyes, developmental glaucoma 3 eyes, and secondary glaucoma 81 eyes. They were followed up for an average of 59.4±17.8 months. Results:Intraocular pressure averaged 30.4±10.6 mmHg before surgery, 17.2±4.3 mmHg one year after surgery, and 17.1±2.8 mmHg 2 years after surgery. Survival rate was 76.2% one year and 64.6% 2 years after surgery. Conclusion:Implantation of Ahmed glaucoma valve was effective for refractory glaucoma.

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