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要約 目的:LASIK術前後の生活の質の変化の報告。対象と方法:近視または近視性乱視に対してLASIKを行った196名を対象とした。男性80例,女性116例で,年齢は18~62歳(平均35歳)であった。抗加齢QOL共通問診票を使い,術前後の身体の症状と心の症状の変化を5段階評価で比較した。結果:全体のスコアの平均は,術前2.0,術後1.7であり,有意に改善していた(p<0.05)。項目別では,「目がかすむ」以外の全項目(筋肉痛・こり,肩がこる,目がつかれる,めまい,息切れ,自信を失った,怒りっぽい,緊張感)で改善があった。結論:LASIK後では,眼科的症候以外でも生活の質が改善する。
Abstract. Purpose:To report changes in the quality of life after LASIK. Objects and Method:This study was made on 196 patients who received LASIK for myopia with or without astigmatism. The series comprised 80 males and 116 females. Their age ranged from 18 to 62 years, average 35 years. A common anti-aging QOL questionnaire was used to evaluate physical and mental symptoms in 5 scales. Results:The total score averaged 2.0 before and 1.7 after LASIK. The difference was significant(p<0.05). All the items improved except bleariness. The included aching muscle, stiff neck, eye fatigue, qualm, shortness of breath, loss of self-confidence, irritability and brooding. Conclusion:Quality of life improves after LASIK for myopia with or without astigmatism.
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