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要約 目的:線維柱帯切除術後の濾過胞からの晩発性房水漏出に対して行った自家テノン囊移植術の報告。症例:術後の濾過胞から房水漏出がある5例5眼を対象とした。男性1例,女性4例で,年齢は55~79歳(平均68歳)であり,線維柱帯切除術からの経過期間は63~113か月(平均89か月)である。全例が4mmHg以下の低眼圧であり,脈絡膜剝離と視力低下が全例にあり,低眼圧黄斑症が1眼にあった。結果:自家テノン囊移植術後,1~2週で結膜欠損部が上皮化し,眼圧が徐々に上昇し,脈絡膜剝離と低眼圧黄斑症などの合併症は消失して視力が回復した。術後完全に漏出が止まるまでの期間は4~60日であり,最終眼圧は無投薬で7~11mmHgに維持された。8~38か月(平均26か月)の観察で,結膜欠損,房水再漏出などの合併症は生じていない。結論:線維柱帯切除術後の濾過胞からの晩発性房水漏出に対する自家テノン囊移植術は有効である。
Abstract. Purpose:To report the outcome of transplantation of autologous Tenon capsule for leaking bleb after trabeculectomy. Cases:This review was made on 5 eyes of 5 patients. The series comprised 1 male and 4 females. Their age ranged from 55 to 79 years,average 68 years. They had received trabeculectomy 63 to 113 months,average 89 months,before. All the 5 eyes had intraocular pressure(IOP)below 4mmHg,choroidal detachment and impaired visual acuity. Hypotony maculopathy was present in one eye. Results:Transplantation of Tenon capsule was followed,one to two weeks later,by epithelialization of conjunctival defect,recovery of IOP,disappearence of choroidal detachment,and improved visual acuity. Leakage of bleb ceased 4 to 60 days after transplantation. IOP has been controlled between 7 and 11mmHg without medication. There has been no complication nor recurrence of leakage during follow up for 8 to 38 months,average 26 months. Conclusion:Transplantation of autologous Tenon capsule is effective for leaking bleb after trabeculectomy.

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