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要約 目的:広島県の某総合病院で行った人間ドックでの眼疾患検出率の報告。方法:過去6年間に総計1,815名が健康診断を受けた。年齢は21~87歳(平均49歳)であった。眼科検診では,眼圧と視力測定,細隙灯顕微鏡による前眼部の診察,無散瞳下での倒像眼底検査を実施した。結果:高血圧動脈硬化性眼底が4.79%,白内障が4.19%,視神経乳頭陥凹の拡張が1.43%,高眼圧症が0.66%,格子状赤道変性が0.88%,黄斑変性が0.28%に発見された。結論:病院が山間部にあり,受診者の多くが自家用車で来院するために無散瞳下での眼底検査を行ったが,眼底周辺部や黄斑疾患の検出率が実際よりも低いと推定された。
Abstract. Purpose:To report the incidence of eye disorders detected by health-screening pogram in a general hospital in rural area of Hiroshima Prefecture. Method:A total of 1,815 adults participated in the program during a 6-year period. The ages ranged from 21 to 87 years,average 49 years. Eye examinations included the following procedures:tonometry,visual acuity,use of slit-lamp microscope for anterior segment,and funduscopy by indirect ophthalmoscope without mydriatics. Findings:Following eye disorders were detected. Hypertensive or arteriosclerotic fundus 4.79%,cataract 4.19%,enlarged disc cupping 1.43%,ocular hypertension 0.66%,lattice degeneration 0.88%,and macular degeneration 0.28%. Conclusion:Fundus examination had to be performed without mydriasis because the majority of participants drove to the hospital. This appeared to have resulted in too low incidence of newly detected fundus disorders.
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