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要約 手術を行った先天緑内障16例25眼について,視力の転帰を検索した。男性8例,女性8例であり,両眼性9例,片眼性7例であった。発症年齢は16.5±25.0か月,観察期間は13.9±5.6年である。症例の内訳は,1歳未満で発見された原発緑内障9例15眼,1歳以降に発見された発達緑内障2例4眼とス夕ージ・ウェーバ症候群5例6眼である。13眼(52%)で最終手術時の矯正視力が0.7以上であった。3眼で視力が0.1未満であり,生後6か月未満の発症,瞳孔領角膜混濁,3回以上の緑内障手術歴が共通していた。片眼発症の先天緑内障7眼中6眼で0.3以上の視力が得られた。術後早期からの積極的な弱視治療が最終視力の向上に有用であった。
Abstract. We reviewed the visual outcome in 25 eyes of 16 cases of congenital glaucoma operated by us. The series comprised 8males and 8 females. Congenital glaucoma was bilateral in 9 and unilateral in 7 cases. Glaucoma was detected at the age of 16.5±25.0 months. The follow-up period averaged 13.9±5.6 years. The series comprised 15 eyes of 9 cases of primary glaucoma detected before one year of age,and of 4 eyes of 2 cases of developmental glaucoma detected later than one year of age,and of 6 eyes of 5 cases of Sturge-Weber syndrome. The final visual acuity was 0.7 or better in 13 eyes(52%). It was less than 0.1 in 3 eyes. These eyes had following features in common:onset before the age of 6 months,central corneal opacity,and 3 or more sessions of glaucoma surgery. Visual acuity of 0.3 or better was obtained in 6 out of 7 eyes of unilateral glaucoma. Start of amblyopia treatment immediately after surgery was essential for better final visual acuity.

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