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要約 新しい視野測定法であるSITA-fast(SITA-F)とSITA-standard(SITA-S)のどちらが集団検診に適しているかを検討した。過去に視野検査を受けたことがない正常者80例80眼を対象とし,ハンフリー視野計のプログラム30-2を,対象の半数はSITA-Fで,残りの半数はSITA-Sで測定した。SITA-Fによる測定時間はSITA-Sによる測定時間の54%であった。信頼性の高いデータはSITA-F群の95%,SITA-S群の90%にみられた。Andersonの異常判定基準を用いた場合の特異度はSITA-Fが89%,SITA-Sが94%であり,統計学的有意差はなかった。以上のことから,正常者の多い集団検診ではSITA-FはSITA-Sよりも有用であると結論した。
Abstract. A clinical evaluation was made regarding the usefulness of SITA algorithm for screening of glaucoma. Eighty eyes of 80 healthy persons were examined by Program 30-2 of Humphrey Visual Field Analyzer. They had no prior experience of automated perimetry. Forty persons were tested by SITA-fast algorithm and the other 40 by SITA-standard algorithm. Perimetry with SITA-fast was completed in 54% of time necessary for SITA-standard. Reliable data were obtained in 95% of SITA-fast group and in 90% of SITA-standard group. After the criteria by Anderson,the specificity of data was 89% in SITA-fast and 94% in SITA-standard. The difference was not significant. The finding shows the usefulness of SITA-fast algorithm in mass screening for glaucoma.

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