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要約 過去62か月間に経験したダウン症候群を除く知的障害児103例の眼所見をまとめた。初診時年齢は11か月から12歳7か月,平均4歳10か月であった。知的障害の原疾患は,染色体異常11例,脳性麻痺8例,その他18例,不明66例であった。調節麻痺下で,+4D以上の遠視が18例(17.5%),-4D以上の近視が10例(9.7%)にあった。2D以上の乱視が51例(49.5%)にあり,90.6%が直乱視であった。不同視が16例(15.5%)にあった。眼鏡は77例(74.8%)に必要であった。水平斜視が49例(47.6%),上下斜視が21例(20.4%)にあり,10例(20.4%)が手術適応であった。知的障害児は検査が困難なので放置されている例が多いが,屈折異常と斜視の合併が多いために,視覚感受性期間内に積極的な治療が望まれる。
Abstract. We reviewed ocular findings in 103 mentally retarded children seen during the past 62 months. Cases of Down syndrome were excluded from the series. They were first seen by us at the age of 11 months through 12 years,average 4 years 10 months. Mental retardation was due to chromosome anomaly 11 cases,cerebral palsy 8 cases,others 18 cases,and unknown 66 cases. When examined under cycloplegia,17.5% had hyperopia over+4 diopters,9.7% had myopia over-4 diopters,and 49.5% had astigmatism over 2 diopters,of which 90.6% had with-the-rule astigmatism. Anisometropia was present in 16 cases(15.5%). Spectacles were needed in 77 cases(74.8%). Horizontal strabismus was present in 49 cases(47.6%)and vertical strabismus in 21 cases(20.4%). Surgical alignment was needed in 10 cases(20.4%). The findings show a high incidence of refractive errors and strabismus in mentally retarded children. We advocate early treatment while visual functions are amenable to improvement.
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