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要約 虹彩結節を伴うぶどう膜炎を,1997年までの6年7か月間の自験例について検索した。ぶどう膜炎263例のうち,55例73眼(21%)に虹彩結節があった。内訳は,サルコイドーシスが17眼(23%),原田病15眼(21%),HTLV-1関連ぶどう膜炎12眼(16%)などであった。原田病遷延例では,虹彩結節があるもの13眼(87%),ないもの5眼(20%)であり,遷延化と虹彩結節の存在に有意差があった(p<0.01)。原田病発症時に虹彩結節があると再燃の頻度が有意に高かった(p=0.02)。原田病と比較して,サルコイドーシスでは虹彩結節があると隅角結節が有意に多かった(p=0.002)。
Abstract. We reviewed cases of uveitis regarding the associated presence of iris nodules. Out of 263 cases of uveitis seen during 6 years 7 months through 1997,iris nodules were present in 73 eyes of 55 cases(21%). These 73 eyes comprised sarcoidosis 17 eyes(23%),Harada disease 15 eyes(21%),HTLV-1 associated uveitis(HAU)12 eyes(16%)and others. In protracted Harada disease,iris nodules were present in 13 eyes(87%)and absent in 5 eyes(20%). The difference was significant(p<0.01). In Harada disease,eyes with iris nodules at the initial examination showed a higher tendency for recurrence(p=0.02). In eyes with iris nodules,nodules in the chamber angle were more frequent in sarcoidosis than Harada disease(p=0.002).

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