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要約 34歳男性が,古紙プレス機の200V分電盤を掃除していて,電源が短絡した火花によって両眼に角膜熱傷が生じた。受傷2時間後の初診時の矯正視力は,両眼とも0.05であった。角膜中央部から鼻側に,角膜の2/3を占める混濁と,多数の銅の粒が角膜上に付着していた。洗眼後,角膜銅片異物と,壊死混濁した角膜上皮を除去した。抗生物質と副腎皮質ステロイド薬で感染予防と消炎をはかり,さらに治療用ソフトコンタクトレンズを装用させた。角膜上皮欠損はすみやかに修復し,受傷後3日後に消失した。受傷2週間後に矯正視力は両眼とも1.0に回復した。
Abstract. A 34-year-old man suffered thermal burns of the cornea in both eyes. The injury was caused by electric sparks due to short circuit of a 200 V switchboard. When seen two hours after the accident,his corrected visual acuity was 20/400 in either eye. Numerous copper particles were adherent to the cornea. Two-thirds of the cornea had become opaque. After irrigation,we removed the copper particles and the corneal epithelium. He was given antibiotics and corticosteroid to prevent infection and inflammation. The cornea was protected by wearing therapeutic contact lenses. The corneal epithelial defect healed 3 days later. The visual acuity recovered to 20/20 in either eye two weeks after injury.

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