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アスタキサンチンの視機能への影響を,40歳以上の健康人49人49眼について検索した。全例を年齢と性別が同じような4群に分け,それぞれに1日1回,0mg, 2mg, 4mg, 12mgのアスタキサンチンを28日間内服させた。4mg群,12mg群で遠見裸眼視力が有意に改善した。4mg群と12mg群では調節緊張時間が有意に短縮した。屈折値,フリッカー融合頻度,瞳孔反応には変化がなかった。
We evaluated the effect of astaxanthin on visual function in 49 eyes of 49 healthy volunteers. They were over 40 years of age. They were divided into 4groups matched for age and gender. Each group was given peroral astaxanthin once a day. The dosage was 0mg,2mg,4mg,or 12mg for each group. After ingestion of astaxanthin for consecutive 28 days,the uncorrected far visual acuity significantly improved in groups receiving 4mg or 12mg. The accommodation time significantly shortened in groups receiving 4mg or 12mg. There was no change in refraction,flicker fusion frequency,or pupillary reflex.

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