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64歳女性が左眼の変視症と黄斑上膜で受診し,矯正視力は0.9であった。超音波水晶体吸引術,眼内レンズ囊内挿入術,硝子体切除,黄斑上膜剝離を行った。トリアムシノロン(triamcinolone acetonide)を硝子体灌流液に混入した。術中経過は順調で,3週後の矯正視力は1.2であった。手術5週後に左眼の霧視が突発し,視力が0.01に低下した。前眼部の炎症は軽度であったが,硝子体混濁があり,感染性眼内炎が疑われた。4日間抗生剤を全身投与し,5日目に灌流液に抗生剤を混入する硝子体手術を行った。4日後に再燃したが,抗生剤の硝子体内注入などで炎症は消失し,1.5の最終視力が得られた。経過中の細菌検査はすべて陰性であった。トリアムシノロン併用の硝子体手術後に生じる眼内炎は,遅発性で前眼部の炎症が隠蔽される可能性があることを示す症例である。
A 64-year-old woman presented with epiretinal membrane and metamorphopsia in her left eye. Corrected visual acuity was 0.9 left. She underwent phacoemulsification-aspiration,intraocular lens implantation,pars plana vitrectomy,and peeling of epiretinal membrane. Triamcinolone acetate was added to the perfusion fluid. The intraoperative and immediate postoperative period was uneventful. The visual acuity was 1.2 3 weeks after surgery. She developed blurring of vision 5 weeks after surgery,with visual acuity of 0.01. Her left eye showed minimum signs of inflammation in the anterior chamber and severe vitreous opacity,suggesting infectious endophthalmitis. After 4 days of systemic antibiotics,vitrectomy was performed on day 5 with antibiotics added to the perfusion fluid. She regained final visual acuity of 1.5. Attempts to isolate microorganism were in vain throughout. This case illustrates that endophthalmitis following triamcinolon-assisted vitrectomy may be of late onset and may show lesser involvement of anterior ocular segment.

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