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Harada disease in an octogenarian Ayako Kobayashi 1 , Yoshiharu Takahashi 1 , Shuji Matsukura 1 , Kei Sugimoto 2 , Kenji Kawai 1 1Dept of Ophthalmol,Tokai Med Univ 2Sugimoto Eye Clin pp.747-749
Published Date 2006/5/15
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1410100448
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Purpose:To report Harada disease in an octogenarian. Case and Findings:A 84-year-old female presented with blurring of vision in both eyes. She had received cataract surery in both eyes 7 years before. Her corrected visual acuity was 0.04 in either eye. Both eyes showed keratic precipitates with cells and increased flare in the aqueous. Funduscopy showed hyperemia and swelling of optic disc. Serous retinal detachment was absent. Pleocytosis was present in the cerebrospinal fluid. Human leukocyte antigen(HLA)showed positive for DR4,DQ4 and B54. These findings led to the diagnosis of Harada disease. She was treated by topical corticosteroid. Signs of anterior chamber gradually improved. The optic disc became normal in appearance,associated with sunset-glow fundus. Her corrected visual acuity improved to 0.3 right and 0.4 left 6months after onset. Conclusion:All the reported cases of Harada disease were aged below 84 years. The present case was characterized by mild and atypical clinical features.

Copyright © 2006, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 1882-1308 印刷版ISSN 0370-5579 医学書院


