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42歳女性が2週間前からの左眼霧視で受診した。10か月前に帯状疱疹に罹患し,4年前に夫と死別した。矯正視力は左右とも1.2であり,左眼底に広範な網膜出血と耳側に滲出斑があった。左眼前房水からサイトメガロウイルス(CMV)DNAが検出され,CMV網膜炎と診断した。血液中のCD4陽性細胞数が減少し,抗HIV抗体が陽性で,AIDSの診断が確定した。ガンシクロビルの点滴でCMV網膜炎が沈静した後,抗HIV多剤併用療法を行った。CD4陽性細胞数の回復に伴い,immune recovery uveitisと考えられる硝子体混濁と黄斑浮腫が生じた。硝子体混濁は自然寛解し,黄斑浮腫は副腎皮質ステロイド剤の球後注射で改善した。抗HIV多剤併用療法を開始した時点でのCMV網膜炎の活動性が,immune recovery uveitisの発症とその重篤度に関与している可能性がある。CMV網膜炎を初発症状としたAIDSの1例である。
A 42-year-old female presented with blurring in her left eye since 2 weeks before. She had had herpes zoster 10 months before. Her husband had been dead for 4 years. Her corrected visual acuity was 1.2 in either eye. The left fundus showed diffuse retinal hemorrhages and exudates in the temporal periphery. Detection of cytomegalovirus(CMV)DNA in the aqueous humor led to the diagnosis of DNA retinitis. She showed decreased CD4+T cells and anti-HIV antibody in the blood,leading to the diagnosis of AIDS. She was initially treated by systemic ganciclovir and later by highly active antiretroviral therapy(HAART). Recovery of CD4+T cells was followed by immune recovery uveitis consisting of vitreous opacity and macular edema. Vitreous opacity healed spontaneously. Macular edema improved after retrobulbar injection of corticosteroid. There is a possibility that the activity of CMV retinitis at the start of HAART may be related to onset and severity of immune recovery uveitis.

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