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症例は59歳男性。尿管結石を契機とする腎盂腎炎が発症した。敗血症も併発し,まもなく両眼の霧視を自覚した。初診時の矯正視力は両眼ともに0.3。両眼の前房および硝子体に炎症性の混濁があり,網膜上には白色の沈着物がみられた。血液検査では抗カンジダ抗原が陽性で,尿培養からはCandida albicansが分離された。これらの所見から,本症例はCandida albicansを起因菌とした眼内炎と診断した。両眼に対して硝子体切除手術を行い,経過は良好である。本症例は,尿管結石を契機とする真菌性腎盂腎炎から真菌性眼内炎をきたした稀な症例であった。
A 59-year-old man developed high fever 3 days after difficulty in urination. He was diagnosed with septicemia,diabetes mellitus and ureterolithiasis with pyelonephritis. Candida albicans was detected in the urine. When seen 2 weeks after onset of fever,his visual acuity was 0.3 in either eye. Inflammatory cells were present in the aqueous and the vitreous. Numerous punctate deposits were present on the retina in both eyes. Antigen for Candida was positive in the blood. These findings led to the diagnosis of endophthalmitis due to Candida albicans. Vitrectomy induced cure of endophthalmitis in both eyes. This case illustrates that ureteral stone may lead to pylonephritis and septicemia,and then to fungal endophthalmitis as a rare chain of event.

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