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ラッテにおいては分娩後,間もなく排卵が起つて卵巣には黄体が形成されるが,これは通常の性周期の場合とは異り妊娠時に似て発達し,授乳期間中存続して大凡3〜5週間は発情が現われない。これは授乳黄体と呼ばれているが,発情の止まるのはこの授乳黄体のためと考えられておる。ラッテの黄体の機能を賦活し維持するのはpro-lactinであることがEvans, Simpson&Lyons(1941),Astwood(1941)によつて明らかにされ,又乳頭に加えられる哺乳刺戟が中枢性に下垂体前葉へ作用してprolactinの分泌を促すものと推定されている(Selye, Collip & Thomson1934)。
It is interesting that the ovarian function seems to be at rest in most part of lactation period ingeneral. The present paper describes the experiments attempted to estimate the pituitary gonadotro-phic potency in lactating rats.
1. When mature albino rats were castrated and at the same time a piece of immature ovarian tissuewas transplanted into their spleen, the ovarian tissue grew several times in size and was full of pro-liferated lutein cells with some atretic or hemorrhagic follicles (Fig. 2) after 20 days in comparisonwith the immature ovarian tissue consisting of only immature follicles (Fig. 1).
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