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地域住民525人(男性193人,女性332人,平均年齢61.9歳)を対象とし,運動器不安定症の診断基準に基づき「開眼片脚起立試験」,「3m timed up and go test」を施行した.いずれか1項目を満たす者を「運動器不安定性」ありと定義し,運動器不安定性の有無で2群に分け比較検討を行った.運動器不安定性は全体の21.7%に認められ,65歳未満の4.5%,65歳以上の42.4%に該当した.性差はなく,整形外科的愁訴,内科疾患との関連性を認めた.
To prevent loss of motor function in elderly patients, Japanese Ministry of Health and Labor recently proposed a new disease entity Musculoskeletal Ambulation Disorder System Complex (MADS) that requires both 1. clinical history and/or existence of the diseases decreasing motor function, and 2. decrease in ADL-independence and/of loss of motor function. We focused on the loss of motor function in general population, and defined Musculoskeletal Ambulation Disorder Property (MADP) as having one of the following motor function tests positive;the “one leg standing test” and “3-m timed up and go test”. We examined MADP in 525 local residents (males 193, females 332, average age 61.9 yrs.) of the northern mountain region of Gunma prefecture. The residents were divided into two groups based on the existence of MADP, and age, gender, prevalence of medical complication, etc. were compared. MADP was observed in 21.7% of the total residents(4.5% of those under the age of 65, and 42.4% of those at the age of 65 and over). There was no significant gender difference in the prevalence of MADP. In addition, the prevalence of MADP, correlates with that of the orthopedic complaints and medical complications.
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