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腰椎固定術後に発症した仙腸関節性疼痛について検討した.対象は2006年6月から2008年6月まで腰椎固定術を行った167例中,14例である.14例中12例が術後1年以内の発症であった.仙腸関節性疼痛の発症率の比較では1椎間固定が4.1%,多椎間固定が14.3%で有意に多椎間固定に多かった.また仙椎を含まない固定(floating fusion)で6.1%,仙椎を含む固定(fixed fusion)16.7%で,仙椎を含む固定(fixed fusion)で有意に発症率が高かった.
We investigated the development of sacroiliac joint pain after lumbar or lumbosacral fusion. Sacroiliac joint pain developed in 14 of the 167 patients who underwent lumbar or lumbosacral fusion between June 2006 and June 2008. In 12 of the 14 cases, the onset of the pain was within 1 year after surgery. The incidence rates of sacroiliac joint pain after single-segment fusion and multiple-segment fusion were 4.1% and 14.3%, respectively, and the rate after multiple-segment fusion was significantly higher. The rates after fixed fusion (including the sacrum) and floating fusion (excluding the sacrum) were 16.7% and 6.1%, respectively, and the incidence rates after fixed fusion was significantly higher.

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