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腰部脊柱管狭窄症除圧術後の遺残性下肢症状に対するリマプロストアルファデクスの臨床効果の検討を行った.除圧術後に下肢症状が残存した19例に対し,リマプロストアルファデクスの経口投与を行い,投与前と投与開始後4週,8週のJOAスコア,および腰痛と下肢痛・しびれのvisual analogue scale(VAS)を評価した.JOAスコアには有意な改善がみられ,特に下肢痛と歩行能力に良好な改善が認められた.また,下肢痛・しびれのVASにも有意な改善がみられた.リマプロストアルファデクスは除圧術後の遺残性下肢症状に対して有効と思われた.
We investigated the clinical efficacy of limaprost alfadex against residual leg pain after decompression surgery in 19 patients with lumbar spinal canal stenosis. The JOA scores and VAS scores for low back pain and for leg pain and numbness were evaluated before therapy and at 4 and 8 weeks after therapy. There was significant improvement in the JOA scores, particularly for leg pain and gait, among the subjective manifestations. There were also significant improvements in the VAS scores for leg pain and numbness. Limaprost alfadex was concluded to be an effective means of treatment for residual leg pain after decompression surgery in patients with lumbar spinal canal stenosis.
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