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抄録:〔目的〕腰痛特異的QOL尺度の性・年齢別基準値を,国民を代表とするサンプルより推定する.〔対象〕腰痛の有無に関わらず,日本国民から無作為抽出された成人集団約4,500人を対象者とした.〔方法〕質問紙留め置き調査法による,横断的観察研究を2002年に実施した.調査項目は,腰痛有無(L2・L3から殿部にかけた痛み,かつ,24時間以上続く痛み),腰痛特異的QOL尺度であるRoland-Morris Disability Questionnaire(RDQ),性・年齢等の個人属性を調査した.〔結果〕腰痛有訴者のRDQ基準値は,男性3.67,女性4.22,全体3.97であった.また,回答者全体のRDQ基準値は,男性1.54,女性1.75,全体1.65であった.〔結語〕腰痛有訴者の腰痛特異的QOL基準値は,調査対象となる結果と比較することにより,腰痛症状による日常生活へのインパクトを相対的に示すことができる.
[Purpose] The aim of this study was to estimate the norm scores of Low Back Pain (LBP)-specific Quality of Life (QOL) questionnaire, according to age and sex. [Method] Cross-sectional population based study was conducted in 2002. 4,500 residents (age:20~80) in Japan were sampled in two-stage stratified random sampling framework. The self-administered questionnaire included Roland-Morris Disability Questionnaire (RDQ), prevalence of LBP and their backgrounds such sex, age etc. We defined LBP as pain from L2 and L3 to buttock and continued for at least 24 hours. RDQ is LBP-specific QOL scale, which was developed by Roland M and Morris R. This scale's score ranges from 0 to 24 points. The higher RDQ score is the worse QOL. [Result] RDQ mean score of people with LBP were 3.67 for male, 4.22 for female and 3.97 for whole. Additionally, RDQ norm score of all responders were1.54 for male, 1.75 for female, 1.65 for whole. [Conclusion] Japanese normative RDQ score in age and gender categories were estimated from those randomly sampled from community residents in Japan. Those scores are expected to be used for various types of studies as reference values.

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