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本報告では,地域住民において,どのような腰痛が日常生活動作(ADL)に影響を与えているのかについて検討した.対象は,同年代の人口の21.5%に当たる地域住民1,862名である(最多年代層は70歳代).腰痛によるADLへの支障の程度は,「全く支障ない」,「少し支障がある」,および「大いに支障がある」の3段階に分類した.腰痛の内容は,Roland-Morris Disability Questionnaire日本語版(以下,RDQ)の24項目の質問で評価した.その結果,日常生活に影響を来す腰痛とは,移動能力や腰椎の運動機能へ影響を及ぼす腰痛であることが明らかになった.この事実は,腰痛治療におけるADL障害の改善とは,疼痛管理のみでなく,移動や腰椎の運動機能の改善にあることを示唆している.
Low back pain (LBP) is very common, and it sometimes interferes with activities of daily living (ADL), but the kind of LBP that impairs ADL is still unclear. This study was conducted by 1,862 people in a community (highest percentage in the 70~79 year age group) who agreed to participate. The subjects accounted for approximately 21.5% of local population. The impairment of ADL caused by LBP was graded on a 3s-step scale:none, moderate and severe, and the Japanese version of Roland-Morris Disability Questionnaire were assessed by self-administrated questionnaire. Movement ability and motion of the lumbar spine seemed to affect the impairment of ADL by LBP. When treating LBP, attention should be given to improving movement and lumbar motion as well as to pain control.

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