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経静脈性digital subtraction angiography(IVDSA)を用いた簡易的な脳血管床血流評価法について検討した。頭部正面像で左右の中大脳動脈領域にROIをとってtime density curve(TDC)を作成し,TDCのpeak time(PT)やmodal transit time(MOTT)といったパラメーターの左右差を,症例群ごとに検討した。大血管閉塞群では,PTとMOTTの左右差は対照群より有意に延長し,SPECT上の低集積群ではMOTTの左右差が等集積群より有意に延長していた。大血管閉塞が見られるにもかかわらずSPECT上等集積であった例では,MOTTの左右差は対照群と同程度であった。以上の結果は,PT,MOTTの左右差が脳血管床血流をある程度反映し,局所脳血流の左右差の何らかの指標となる可能性を示していると思われる。このような簡便な脳循環動態評価法は,特に虚血性脳血管障害超急性期治療などの場面で有用性を発揮するかもしれない。
Time density curve (TDC) can be reconstructed from the data of intravenous digital subtraction angiography (IVDSA). We evaluated peak time (PT) and modal transit time (MOTT) of the TDC as the probable indica-tor of cerebral intravascular blood flow.
Cerebral IVDSA and single photon emission CT (SPECT) were performed on 12 patients of ischemic cerebrovascular disease, which consisted of 3 internal carotid artery (ICA) occlusions, one middle cerebral artery (MCA) occlusion, one anterior cerebral artery (ACA) branch occlusion and 7 lacunar infarctions. We classified former 4 patients as occlusion group and latter 8 as reference group. In 3 patients (2 ICA and one MCA occlusions), SPECT study revealed definite hypoac-cumulation in the MCA territory of occlusive side. Two regions of interest (ROI) were placed on the territories of right and left middle cerebral arteries in the frontal view of cerebral IVDSA. Digital data processor fitted y curve to the TDC of each ROI, and calculated PT and MOTT.
The absolute lateralities of PT and MOTT of MCA territory was significantly (p <0.05) larger in occlusion group than reference group. Patients with hypoac-cumulation in SPECT had significantly (p<0.02) larger laterality of MOTT than patients with isoaccumulation One ICA occluded patient without hypoaccumulation in corresponding MCA territory had relatively small late-rality of MOTT similar to the patients of ACA branch occlusion and lacunar infarction. These results suggest that PT and MOTT are possible to detect the laterality of the intravascular blood flow in MCA territories caused by major artery occlusion. Cerebral TDC study of IVDSA may be useful in some clinical therapeutic situations such as hemodilution or intra-arterial throm-bolysis, and worth further clinical evaluation.
Copyright © 1992, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.