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16歳女性で,約3カ月前より複視を主訴として発症したconvergence spasmsと診断された症例を報告した。神経学的には,持続的な両眼球の輻輳運動が出現し縮瞳を伴っていた。頭部MRI,髄液所見に異常なく多発性硬化症は否定され,幻聴様体験の既往があったこと,メンタルクリニックによる小精神療法で著明に症状が改善したことなどよりヒステリーの転換性障害と考えられた。いわゆるconvergence spasmの鑑別診断を考える際に,ヒステリーの転換性障害も考慮すべきと考えられた。
We report a 16-year-old female who developeddouble vision. The diplopia was in the horizontal planeand persisted for 3 weeks. She also complained ofheadache and nausea. She kept her eyes closed un-less she was told to open. When eyelids were pas-sively open, both eyes deviated inward in an adductedposition. The pupil size and the reaction to light werenormal. No weakness was noted in the extraocularmuscles when each eye was examined individually. The rest of the neurologic examinations were normal. We thought that she had a convergence spasm. BrainCT and MRI were normal. The CSF and blood chem-istries were also normal.

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