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われわれは,片眼の鼻側1/4半盲を呈した3例を経験した。いずれの症例も眼科的原因疾患は認めなかったが,MRIにおいて前大脳動脈Al portionが視交叉を圧迫している所見を認めた。3症例とも保存的治療を施行し,経過観察中である。
Unilateral nasal hemianopia is highly difficult to notice with bilateral vision intact, and only a few cases has been reported. There are several reported cases of quadrantic hemianopia caused by cerebral lesions, but the defects were found bilaterally in all cases. There is only one reported case of which an aneurysm was believed to be the cause.
We confronted 3 cases of unilateral nasal quad-rantic hemianopia. In either case no ophthalmologic disorders could be found but magnetic resonance imaging revealed the compression of the optic chias-ma by the A1 portion of the anterior cerebral artery.

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