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右後大脳動脈に限局した解離性脳動脈瘤を合併した41歳女性のMCTD例を報告した。本例はMCTDの診断基準を満たしており,脳血管撮影にてdouble lumen sign,造影剤のpoolingを認めたことから,MCTD,解離性脳動脈瘤ともに確定診断例である。本例の解離形成,くも膜下出血の発生には基礎疾患のMCTDに起因する血管壁の脆弱性の関与が示唆された。
A 41 year-old-female with mixed connective tis-sue disease (MCTD) associated with dissecting aneurysm (DA) of the right posterior cerebral artery is reported. This case satisfied the diagnostic criteria for MCTD, and cerebral angiography revealed the double-lumen sign and pooling of the contrast medium. Thus it was possible to make a definite diagnosis of both MCTD and DA. Fragility of the arterial wall due to the primary disease, MCTD, appeared to have played a role in the occur-rence of dissection and the subarachnoid hemor-rhage.

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