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An autopsied case of copmlicated form of spastic paraplegia with many unusual clinical and patho-logical features is reported.
Present case : a 31-year-old male. His parents are first cousins. Pregnancy and delivery had been unremarkable. Though he was mentally retarded, his physical development was normal. He was considered normal until age 10. He suf-fered from progressive disturbance in gait at the age of 11. He could not walk without assistance at the age of 22. Neurological examination re-vealed the following findings. He was obese and mentally deteriorated. Spastic paraplegia with increased tendon reflexes and pathological reflexes was prominent.
Though slight sensory disturbance was present in the lower extremities, neither involuntary move-ment nor cerebellar ataxia was observed. In the age of late 20's, dementia, general muscular atrophy, and Parkinsonism developed. At the age of 30, he could not move by himself. He was apathic and indifferent, and showed forced laughing. Muscle tonus was flaccid because of general muscular atrophy and peripheral neuro-pathy. He died of acute gastric enlargment.
Neuropathological findings were characterized by mal-development of the central nervous system (CNS) and the multisystem degeneration. There exisited cerebral white matter hypoplasia with hypogenesis of the corpus callosum and ectopia of neurons of the cerebral and cerebellar cortex. Hypoplasia of melanin pigment was also observed in the remaining neurons of the substantia nigra and the locus ceruleus. Many neurons in the CNS included lipofuscin granules of variable shapes. Some of them showed clusters of several block-like inclusions which were green with luxol fast blue and cresyl violet stain. In addition, re-markable degeneration in the pyramid of the medulla oblongata and the lateral and anterior cortico-spinal tracts of the spinal cord was ob-served. The dosal colum showed myelin pallor predominent in the Goll's fasiculus. There was moderate neuronal loss in the spinal anterior horn and dorsal root ganglia. Degeneration was much more severe in the anterior roots than in the posterior roots of the spinal nerves. Skeletal muscles revealed marked group atrophy. There were moderate neuronal loss in the substantia nigra and the dorso-medial nucleus, pulvinar, and lateral geniculate body of the thalamus, slightneuronal loss with grumose degeneration in the dentate nucleus, and fibrous gliosis in the vestibu-lar nuclei. Neuropathological and biochemical studies could not reveal certain metabolic diseases.
Clinico-pathological findings of our case resem-ble those of the cases reported by Gilman et al (1964, 1975) and Grunnet & Donaldson (1985). The parents of these families including of our family are first cousins. In conclusion, we propose that this kind of complicated form of hereditary spast-ic paraplegia is a clinico-pathological entity.

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