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Current epidemiological investigations in the Western Pacific area have suggested that the environmental factors contribute to the patho-genetic process of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). The condition of unbalanced minerals found in soil and drinking water of ALS foci with low content of Ca and Mg plus high con-tent of Al was experimentally mimicked in this study using rats. In the groups fed with low calcium diet, low Ca-Mg diet and low Ca-Mg plus high Al diet, serum calcium levels werelower than those in the group fed with standard diet. Also serum Mg levels were lower in the groups fed with low Ca-Mg diet and low Ca-Mg plus high Al diet than in the group fed with standard diet and low Ca diet. However, there was no significant difference in Mg content of the central nervous system (CNS) tissues of groups with unbalanced and standard diets except for that in spinal cord of rats fed with low Ca-Mg plus high Al diet, determined by inductively coupled plasma emission spectrometry. On the other hand, Ca content of CNS showed higher values in the unbalanced diet groups, especially in spinal cord of the low Ca-Mg plus high Al diet group, than those in the standard diet group. And Ca content in heart, liver, kidney and abdominal aorta of rats fed with both low Ca-Mg diet and low Ca-Mg plus high Al diet increased that those of standard and low Ca diet groups. Ca content in muscle of all three unbalanced diet groups was significantlyhigher compared to those of standard diet group. Mg content of heart and muscle was remarkably diminished in low Ca-Mg plus high Al diet gro-up, but Mg content in soft tissues of rats fed with low Ca-Mg diet alone was not altered. Ca and Mg content in lumbar spine and cortical bone showed higher values in a standard diet group than those in the unbalanced diet groups i. e. low Ca diet group, low Ca-Mg diet group, and low Ca-Mg plus high Al diet group. It seems that under the condition of the derangment of min-eralization in bone induced by unbalanced mineral diets, Ca and Mg may be allowed to mobilize from bone of rats fed with mineral deficient diets and to keep its content in soft tissues including the CNS tissues for the utilization of their vital activity, thereby resulting in deposition of Ca and maintenance of almost normal value of Mg in CNS tissues.

Copyright © 1990, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.