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亜鉛(Zn)やマグネシウム(Mg)は中枢神経組織(CNS)や骨で重要な役割をもつ。低Ca・Mg,高Al負荷によりCNSを初めとする軟部組織,皮質骨および骨梁骨のZn, Mg分布と両者の類似性について検討した。28匹のラットを4群に分け,A群:ラット標準食,B群:低Ca食,C群:低Ca・Mg食,D群:低Ca・Mg+高Al食,で90日間飼育した。血清ZnはB群>A群>C群>D群の傾向を示し,血清Mgは食餌内容を反映して,A, B群に比べC, D群で低下し,また血清でのZnとMgの正相関を認めた。A, B群に比べC群の後頭葉,橋,脊髄のZn量は減少したが,A1を負荷したD群のCNS全部位でA, B群よりZn量は著明に低下した。またD群の心,肝,腎,筋,腹部大動脈全てのZn量はA群より低値を示した。骨のZn量は骨梁骨でA, B群>C群>D群,皮質骨でA, B, C群>D群の順序を示し,有意に低下した。骨Mg量は骨梁骨,皮質骨ともにA群>B群>C群>D群の順位であった。ZnとMgに関して有意な正相関を示したのは,血清Znと軟部組織や骨のZn量の間,血清MgとCNS全部位や骨,軟部組織のZn量の間,骨梁骨と皮質骨の両者でのMg量とZn量の間,などであった。以上より,ミネラル偏食により誘発された骨のmineralizationの不安定状態では,Mgと同様にZnはミネラル偏食飼育ラットの骨から動員され,in vivoでは血液と骨で類似の動態を有していることを示唆した。
Although the role of zinc (Zn) and magnesium (Mg) in situ may be of a critical importance in replication, tanscription and repair of DNA, to our knowledge, the relationship between Mg and Zn has been described. This study, therefore, was designed experimentally to investigate the relationship between Mg and Zn in soft tissues and bone of rats after fortification of unbalanced mineral diets, and minerals and metals in soft tissues and bone were determined by inductively coupled plasma emission spectrometry.
In the groups fed low calcium (Ca) diet, low Ca-Mg diet and low Ca-Mg plus high Al diet, serum Mg level was lower in the group fed low Ca-Mg diet and low Ca-Mg plus high Al diet than those in the groups fed standard diet and low Ca diet. However, there was no significant difference in Mg content of CNS tissues in rats fed unbalanced and standard diets except for thatin the spinal cord of rats fed low Ca-Mg plus high Al diet.
Whereas, Zn content of CNS showed lower values in the unbalanced mineral diet groups, especially in all CNS regions of the low Ca-Mg plus high Al diet group, than those in the standard and the low Ca diet group. And Zn contents in heart, kidney and abdominal aorta of rats fed low Ca-Mg diet and low Ca-Mg plus high Al diet were more decreased than those of the standard and the low Ca diet groups. Mg contents of heart and muscle were remarkably diminished in the low Ca-Mg plus high Al diet group, but Mg con-tents in soft tissues of rats fed low Ca-Mg diet alone was not significantly changed. Mg content in lumbar spine and femoral bone showed lower values in the unbalanced mineral diet groups thanthose in the standard diet group, followed by the rank order of low Ca diet group, low Ca-Mg diet group, low Ca-Mg plus high Al diet group. And there were significantly positive correlationship between serum Zn and Mg levels, serum Zn level and Zn contents in soft tissues and bone, and serum Mg level and Zn contents in bone and most of soft tissues in rats fed unbalanced mineral diets. A positive correlationship between Zn and Mg content was significantly shown in both lumbar spine and femoral bone in rats.
It seems that under the deranged status of bone mineralization induced by unbalanced mineral diets, both Zn and Mg may be allowed to mobilize from bone of rats with similar fashion of two metals.

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