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中枢神経組織(CNS)の変性にカルシウム(Ca),アルミニウム(Al),燐(P)が関与することが指摘されている。この研究はコレステロール誘発性粥状動脈硬化症家兎のCNS,肝,腎におけるCa, Al, Pの含有量を測定し,かつ,これらのエレメント低下目的で14—ethoxycarbonyl—(3α,16α—ethyl)−14,15—eburnamenine(vinpocetine)を投与したものである。16匹雄性家兎を次の4群に分け,(A)家兎標準食,(B)1.5%コレステロール添加標準食,(C)1.5%コレステロール添加標準食+vinpocetine3mg/kg/day,(D)1.5%コレステロール添加標準食+vinpocetine10mg/kg/dayを経口投与し3カ月間飼育した。(B),(C),(D)群では高脂血症とKritchevskyにより記載された粥状動脈硬化症が作成された。CNS,肝,腎のCa, P, Al含有量が放射化分析法で測定された。1)B群の各部位のCa含有量がA群のそれより増加し,CおよびD群のCa含有量はB群に比べ低下した。2)B群の前頭葉のP含有量はA群のそれより高値で,その他の部位では増加傾向を示した。C, D群はB群より低値を示した。3)A群に比べB群のAl含有量は高値で,またC群はB群より低下傾向を示し,D群は有意に低値を認めた。以上の結果から,Ca, P,Alと粥状動脈硬化症との関係が示唆されるとともに,vinpocetineによるそれらエレメントの低下作用を認めた。
The aims in this study were designed to clarify the contents of calcium (Ca), phosphorus (P) and aluminum (Al) in central nervous system (CNS), li-ver and kidney of rabbits with atherosclerosis ex-perimentally induced by cholesterol-rich diet, and investigate scavenger effect of 14-ethoxycarbonyl-(3a, 16 a-ethyl)-14, 15-eburnamenine (vinpocetine) on the deposition of these elements in CNS and soft tissues of experimental atherosclerosis. Sixteen male rabbits were divided into 4 groups. Each group was fed with standard diet (Group A), sta-ndard diet containing 1.5% cholesterol (Group B), standard diet containing 1.5% cholesterol plus oral administration of 3 mg/kg/day vinpocetine (GroupC), and standard diet containing 1.5% cholesterol plus administration of 10 mg/kg/day vinpocetine (Group D). After 3 months' feeding, experimental atherosclerosis was produced with a modified me-thod of Kritchevsky et al in rabbits of Groups B, C and D. Blood was collected by cardiocentesis un-der the anesthesia of ether and then rabbits sacri-ficed to remove CNS and other tissues. The blood was stood for 1 hour at room temperature and se-parated by centrifugation at 3000 rpm for 10 min to determine serum total cholesterol, phospholipids, HDL-cholesterol, peroxide lipid, NEFA and calci-um levels.
Ca, P and Al contents in the frontal lobe, pons, cerebellum, spinal cord, liver and kidney were de-termined by neutron activation analysis. Ca con-tents of CNS, liver and kidney in Group B signi-ficantly increased than those of Group A (p< O.01), and significantly decreased in Groups C and D co-mpared with those of Group B (p<0.01). Ca con-tents of pons and spinal cord in Group C, and of pons in Group D were significantly lower than those of Group A (p<0.05, p<0.01). P contents in the frontal lobe of Group B were higher than those in Group A (p<0.01). And also P contents of CNS, liver and kidney in Groups C and D sig-nificantly decreased as compared with those of Group B. Al contents of Group B were higher in frontal lobe, spinal cord and kidney of Group A (p<0.05), and the contents of CNS, liver and kid-ney of Group D were significantly decreased than those of Group B.
These results lead to the conclusion that the lar-ge contents of Ca, P and Al in CNS, liver and kid-ney were deposited and the scavenger action of vinpocetine on deposition of elements in these tissues were demonstrated in rabbits with exper-imental atherosclerosis.

Copyright © 1990, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.