

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


A FAMILY OF SPINO-CEREBELLAR DEGENERATION WITH DISTURBANCE OF OCULAR MOVEMENT, CHOREO-ATHETOSIS, AMYOTROPHY AND DEMENTIA: A CONSIDERATION IN CLINICAL FEATURES Sadanari Usui 1,2 , Hirokuni Beppu 1 , Kazuhiko Hirose 1 , Hitoshi Tanabe 1 , Tadao Tsubaki 1 1Department of Neurology, Tokyo Metropolitan Neurological Hospital 2Present Address: Department of Neurology, Juntendo University pp.953-961
Published Date 1988/10/1
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1406206190
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Seven cases in a family of hereditary spino-cerebellar degeneration (SCD) similar to dentato-rubro-pallido-Luysian atrophy (DRPLA) were re-ported. The clinical features of these cases were disturbance of ocular movement (limitation of ocu-lar movement and slow eye movement (SEM)), remarkable amyotrophy, choreo-athetosis, dementia and sleep apnea. The brain CT's revealed marked atrophy in pons and cerebellum.

Amyotrophy had been reported in the case of DRPLA, particular ataxo-choreoathetoid form (by Hirayama). Muscle biopsy was performed in these cases, which showed scattered small angu-lated fiber, severe atrophic fiber with pyknotic nuclear clump, fiber type grouping and small rounded fiber were mixed. These findings indi-cates neurogenic change of radiculo-neuropathy type (by Tanabe). In many reported cases of DRPLA and SCD with amyotrophy, this type of muscle biopsy had not been recognized.

In SCD with amyotrophy, a main lesion had exsisted on peripheral nerve. In this case, there was no definite clinical findings (sensory distur-bance, delay of conduction nerve velocity, peri-pheral neuropathy in nerve biopsy).

In recent years, several unclassified cases of SCD with amyotrophy had been reported, which had multi-system degeneration involving peri-pheral neuropathy. This case is similar to these cases, which is speculates multi-systemic lesions, not only DRPLA but also peripheral nerve in-volvement. On neuro-otological study, velocity of saccade was slow and persuit was reserved in proband case. In younger onset case, disturbance of saccade and pursuit was mild. In older pro-gressive case, disturbance of saccade and pursuit was progressive and accompanied with severe limitation of ocular movement. Several autopsy cases of SEM had been reported. No neuronal loss of paramedian pontine reticular formation had been found in these cases.

On polysomnography of all day long, sleep apnea was noticed, which was occured in light sleep. This finding is compatible for sleep apnea of SCD. Mechanism of sleep apnea in SCD is regarded as disturbance of auto-regulation system in respiration and sleep-awakefulness rhythm due to monoamine hypothesis. It indicates neuronal loss of locus coeruleus middle pontine to medullary raphe nuclei.

In this family, various clinical findings are recog-nized, which is featured by uniformity of clinical symptom and anticipation of heredity.

Copyright © 1988, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 2185-405X 印刷版ISSN 0006-8969 医学書院


