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抄録 CT上の側脳室脈絡叢石灰化について,年齢別,性別,左右別頻度と松果体部石灰化との関連を検討した。対象は頭部単純CTスキャンを行った連続2,877例(男1,450例,女1,427例)である。使用機種は3種(SCN−200, Somatom 2, TCT−10 A)である。石灰化部位は側脳室三角部の脈絡叢(脈絡糸球)の石灰化のみを研究対象とした。石灰化は男女合計例では9歳以下は0,10〜14歳は5.9%,15〜19歳は17.4%と増加し,以後加齢と共に急増し,30代では51.5%に達した。その後は増加率は次第に減少するが,80歳以降では74.4%に達した。全対象例の石灰化率は20歳以上では64.7%,30歳以上では66.5%,50歳以上では70.7%であった。男性の石灰化は女性より10代後半以後各年齢群で多かったが,60代と70代のみ有意差があった。初発年齢は男12歳,女16歳であった。石灰化には左右差はなかった。松果体部石灰化と脈絡叢石灰化とを併有する年齢別頻度は,脈絡叢石灰化の頻度と酷似していたが,10代後半以降では5〜15%低値であった。以上より脈絡叢石灰化は年齢と密接な関係を有し,加齢の指標となるものと考えられた。
In this paper, we describe calcification in the choroid plexus of lateral ventricles with a discus-sion of the frequency of occurence in categories of age, sex, and laterality, and its correlation with pineal calcification. The study was conducted on 2877 consecutive cases (1450 males and 1427 females) that had plain CT scanning. Three types of CT scanners (SCN-200, Somatom 2 and TCT-10 A) were used. This series included only calci-fication of the choroid plexus in the trigon of the lateral ventricles (glomus).
Calcification was found in none of the cases aged under 9 years, 5.9% aged from 10 to 14 years and 17.4% aged from 15 to 19 years. The calcification rate strikingly increased with in-creasing age of the cases. It was 51. 5% of cases between 30 and 39 years of age. After that, the increasing rate of calcification gradually decreased, however calcification was found in 74.4% of cases aged over 80 years.
The calcification rate was 64. 7% in our total series of cases aged over 20 years, 66.5% aged over 30 years and 70.7% aged over 50 years. The calcification rate of male cases was greater than that of females in the age group of over 15 years. However, there was a significant difference only in the cases ranging from 60 to 79 years of age.
The initial incidence of male cases was found at the age of 12 years and that of females at the age of 16 years. There was no difference in calcification on right and left sides.
In cases with calcification in both the pineal region and in the choroid plexus, the frequency by age was quite similar to that of cases with calcification in the choroid plexus only. But this calcification rate was 5 to 15% lower in cases aged over 15 years. Our results indicate that calcification in the choroid plexus has a close relation with age as an index of the aging pocess.

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