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MAGNETIC RESONANCE IMAGING (MRI) OF INTRACRANIAL CHORDOMAS Teruo Fukuda 1 , Yuichi Inoue 1 , Miyuki Shakudo 1 , Hiromi Hashimoto 1 , Masayuki Nishioka 1 , Yasumasa Matsumura 1 , Yutaka Nemoto 1 , Kazumasa Takemoto 1 , Yasuto Onoyama 1 , Akira Hakuba 2 , Shuro Nishimura 2 , Toshihiro Yasui 3 1Department of Radiology, Osaka City University Medical School 2Department of Neurosurgery, Osaka City University Medical School 3Department of Neurosurgery, Baba Memorial Hospital pp.241-245
Published Date 1988/3/1
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1406206069
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MR images of 5 patients with intracranial chor-doma were evaluated and compared with those of other clival lesions (1 clival osteomyelitis, 1 metastatic clival tumor, 3 clival meningiomas). The MR examination was performed using a 0.5 T superconductive magnet, with approxima-tely 10 mm section thickness, one average and a 256×256 matrix. T 1 weighted images were obtainned by inversion recovery (IR) with TR 2100-2500 msec, TI 600 msec and TE 40 msec. T 2 weighted images were obtained by spin echo pulse sequence with TR 1800-2500 msec and TE 120 msec (long SE). In several cases, the spin echo pulse sequences with TR 1000 msec and TE 40 msec (short SE) were also done. Multiplaned images were obtained.

Four of 5 intracranial chordomas were low in intensity compared to cerebral gray matter on T1 weighted images, and all of 5 chordomas were as high in intensity as cerebrospinal fluid or higher than that of cerebrospinal fluid on T2 weighted images. Clival fatty marrow is high intensity on T 1 weighted images. Clival involve-ment by a tumor was a clearly demonstrated as disappearance of this high intensity in all cases. In two cases, the tumor extended to the retro-pharyngeal space and this was detected clearly on short SE image.

Although clival fatty marrow was disappeared, osteomyelitis and metastatic tumor in clivus were iso-intense to cerebral gray matter on both T 1 and T 2 weighted images.

All of 3 clival meningiomas showed iso-inten-sity to cerebral gray matter on T 1 weighted images and slightly high intensity to brain on T 2 weighted images, and clival fatty marrow was normal in all 3 cases.

Although our experiences are limited in num-ber, intracranial chordoma appeared to be diffe-rentiated from other clival lesions.

Copyright © 1988, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 2185-405X 印刷版ISSN 0006-8969 医学書院


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