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抄録 赤血球溶血液(hemolysate)は,脳動脈を収縮させ,また脳動脈からprostaglandin (PG)様物質をreleaseさせる。そこで,正常犬とクモ膜下出血犬の脳表動脈からreleaseされるPGsをradioilnmuno-assay (RIA)法を用いて比較定量し,またこれらの血管にhemolysateを作用させる事により,どのような種類のPGsがreleaseされるかを検討した。正常脳表動脈からは,主としてPGI2とPGE2がreleaseされ,量的には,PGI2がPGE2の約4倍releaseされた(PGl2 455±84(n=7),PGE2 177±72(n=8)ng/g dry weight/min)。これに対してクモ膜下出血後の脳表動脈では,PGF2αが僅かに増加した以外は,すべてのPGsが減少し,特にPGI2は有意に減少した(110±34(n=6) ng/g dry weight/min)。また,hemolysate作用による増減は,正常犬,クモ膜下出血犬脳表動脈いずれも有意の増減を認めなかった。クモ膜下出血による脳表動脈よりのPGI2 releaseの減少により,収縮性PGが優位となる事が,脳血管攣縮の一役を担っていると考えられる。hemolysate作用で脳動脈からreleaseされるPG様物質は,PGD2,PGE2, PGF2α, PGI2, thromboxane A2以外の物質であると考えられる。
Release of arachidonate metabolites from iso-lated canine cerebral arteries into perfusing medium were estimated using radioimmunoassay (RIA) in vitro. The cerebral arteries were isolated from dogs sustained experimental subarachnoid hemor-rhages (SAH) and the results were compared with that of normal canine cerebral arteries. The a-mount of 6-Keto-PG Fia(stable metabolite of PGI2) and PGE2 released from normal cerebral arteries were 455±84(n=7) and 177±72(n=8) ng/min/g dry weight (mean±SEM), respectively. Among other arachidonate metabolites, TXB2 (stable metabolite of TXA2), PGF2α, PGD2 were also measured, but release of these arachidonate metabolites were lit-tle compared with PGI2 or PGE2. The amount of 6-Keto-PGF1α and PGE2 released from the cere-bral arteries subjected to subarachnoid hemorrhage were 110±34(n=6), 169±40(n=6) ng/min/g dry weight respectively. In SAH group, release of 6-Keto-PGF1α had diminished remarkably, but no remarkable quantitative change were seen among other arachidonate metabolite between normal and SAH groups. The diminution of PGI2 release in the cerebral artery subjected to SAH may be in-volved in the pathogenesis of cerebral vasospasm. The release of PGs from canine pial arteries in-duced by the exposure of the pial arteries to red blood cell hemolysate was also estimated by RIA. The release of PGE2 tended to increase following to exposure to hemolysate but no other arachido-nate was increased.

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