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抄録 ジャルゴン失語を呈した脳梗塞の症例を報告し,言語症状と剖検所見を記載した。脳梗塞発作は3回あり,第1回発作によって左半球に病変が生じてWernicke失語になり,第2回発作で右後方病変が付加してジャルゴン失語を呈し,さらに第3回発作で右前方病変が加重されると失外套症候群になるという,特異な経過を辿った。ジャルゴン失語としては,語新作の頻発する語新作ジャルゴン失語であるが,意味性ジャルゴンの症状も合併しており,両者の移行を示していた。ジャルゴン失語の発現における右半球病変の役割を中心に文献例と比較を行なった。
An autopsied case of jargon aphasia by multiple cerebral infarction was reported. A 75-year-old right-handed woman developed a Wernicke's aphasia with the first attack of cerebral infarction in the left hemisphere in July 1980. With the second attack of infarction in October 1980, she developed a neologistic and semantic jargon aphasia, in which her speech consisted of neo-logisms, literal paraphasias, empty phrases and so-called "misused words". CT-findings showed two low density areas; one was in the left hemisphere and the other in the posterior region of the right hemisphare. Her jargon aphasia persisted for about one year. In November 1981, she suffered a third attack of infarction and developed an apallic syndrome. Neuropathological examination confirmed that the lesion of the right hemisphere played a decisive role in the outbreak of jargon aphasia in this case.
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