

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


ORIGIN OF THE EARLY COMPONENTS OF SOMATOSENSORY EVOKED POTENTIALS BY THE POSTERIOR TIBIAL NERVE STIMULATION:A COMPARATIVE STUDY TO MEDIAN NERVE STIMULATION IN CLINICAL CASES Ei-ichirou Urasaki 1 , Yasuhiko Matsukado 1 , Shin-ichi Wada 1 , Shinji Nagahiro 1 , Chikahide Yadomi 1 1Department of Neurosurgery, Kumamoto University Medical Scoool pp.945-955
Published Date 1985/10/1
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1406205587
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In order to determine the generation sites of short latency somatosensory evoked potentials to the posterior tibial nerve stimulation, scalp topo-graphy was performed on 10 normal subjects in the two different band-pass recordings, i. e., wide band-pass filter (5-3000 Hz) and narrow band-pass filter (100-1000 Hz). Furthermore, comparative study of the changes of evoked potentials between posterior tibial nerve stimulation and median ner-ve stimulation was carried out in 22 cases with well localized lesion of the central nervous system in the same wide band-pass filter setting.

The early components of somatosensory evoked potentials elicited by the posterior tibial nerve stimulation were obtained as P 30, N 34, and P 38 in the wide band-pass filter, and P 29, N 32, P 36 in the narrow band-pass filter. Components P 30, N 34 and components P 29, N 32 were widely dis-tributed on the scalp, but were disappeared on the scalp-scalp recording. These results suggested all those components were generated from the deep subcortical structures.

In the case with high cervical lesion, component P 30 at the posterior tibial nerve stimulation was remarkably prolonged in latency, and component P 13 at the median nerve stimulation was disap-peared. P 30-N 34 interpeak latency at the pos-terior tibial nerve stimulation was prolonged in the case with pontine lesion, while P 13-N 16 inter-peak latency at the median nerve stimulation was also prolonged. In the cases with thalamic and in-ternal capsular lesion, P 30 and N 34 at the pos-terior tibial nerve stimulation and P 13 and N 16 at the median nerve stimulation were all preser-ved in normal range. These results revealed that components P 30 and N 34 were almost identical to components P 13 and N 16, respectively. On the other hand, component P 38 at the posterior tibial nerve stimulation was suppressed or disappeared in the cases with well localized lesion at the mid-centro parietal region, that includes the primary foot sensory area.

In conclusion, the generation sites of each early component of somatosensory evoked potentials to posterior tibial nerve stimulation were considered as follows; a) components P 30 and P 29 were almost same to the component P 13 at the median nerve stimulation that was generated from near by the dorsal column nucleus, b) components N 34 and N 32 were similar to the component N 16 atthe median nerve stimulation that reflected the activities of the collateral branch from the medial lemniscus at the brain stem and/or the afferent volley of the medial lemniscal pathway between the dorsal column nucleus and the thalamus, c) components P 38 and P 36 were originated from the primary foot sensory area at the parietal lobe.

Copyright © 1985, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 2185-405X 印刷版ISSN 0006-8969 医学書院


