

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


FRONTAL SEPs AND PARIETAL SEPs FOLLOWING MEDIAN NERVE STIMULATION:CLINICAL CORRELATIONS AND CONSIDERATION OF THEIR GENERATION SITES Ei-ichirou Urasaki 1 , Yasuhiko Matukado 1 , Shin-ichi Wada 1 , Shinji Nagahiro 1 , Toshirou Yamaguchi 1 , Chikahide Yadomi 1 1Department of Neurosurgery, Kumamoto University Medical School pp.973-980
Published Date 1986/10/1
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1406205791
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In order to know the chararteristics of frontal and parietal SEP components following median nerve stimulation, 25 patients with unilateral cerebral lesions above the thalamus were exami-ned, and their SSEPs were carefully compared with the clinical and radiological findings. In 10 normal subjects, there were three cortical compo-nents of the frontal SEPs (P 20-N 28-P 44) and four those components of the parietal SEPs (N 18-P 22-N 26-P 42). In patient's group, central conduction times (CCTs) between component P 13 and each cortical component were measured and the latency differences between normal side and affected side were calculated. When the latency differences increased over 3 S. D. from the mean of the control values or the some cortical compo-nents disappeared, they were regarded as abnor-mal. According to the combination of the abnor-malities in frontal and parietal SEPs, three groups were classified as follows : group 1 ; frontal and parietal SEPs were normal (n =- 10), group 2 ; frontal and parietal SEPs were both affected (n=10), group 3; parietal SEPs were affected but frontal components were preserved in normal range (n= 5 ). CT scan showed that the region from internal capsule to cortex around the central sulcus remained intact in the patients of group 1, while this region was involved in various degrees in all cases of the group 2. In patients of group 3, frontal or parietal regions were variously affected. Both the motor and sensory functions were mainly intact in group 1, and disturbed in group 2. In group 3, only sensory disturbances were revealed. Furthermore, the dissociate changes between frontal SEPs and parietal SEPs were apparent in the some cases of group 2 and 3. All of these findings suggested that the frontal P 30-N 28-P 44 were independent from the parietal N 18-P 22-N 26-P 42. This study also indicated good correlations between motor function and frontal SEPs, and sensory function and parietal SEPs, respectively.

Copyright © 1986, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 2185-405X 印刷版ISSN 0006-8969 医学書院


