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抄録 ヒト脳室上衣腫由来の一継代培養株を樹立し,軟寒天培地内コロニー形成能とヌードマウスへの移植,dibutyryl cyclic AMP (db-cAMP), cytochalasin Bに対する形態変化等につき検索を行った。本培養株はL−15+Eagle's MEM混合培養液(6%FCS)にて活発に増殖し(doubling time 24時間),24カ月(82代) in vitroで継代培養しており, NU 2-26と命名された。染色体数は近二倍体でモードは46である。軟寒天培養では,60mmシャーレあたり,102個接種で51%,102個接種で36%と高率でコロニーを形成した。同時にヌードマウス皮下および腹腔内に1.2×108個の接種を行ったところ,固形腫瘍が形成され,強い造腫瘍性を有する株細胞であることが判明した。1mM db-cAMP,5μ9/ml cytochalasin B処理によって,各々1〜3時間後,48〜72時間後に細胞より突起を生じ,星細胞様に変化した。これらの形態変化は,本細胞が神経膠細胞の性質をもつことを示すものと考えられた。
We established a cell line derived from a cereb-ellar ependymoma and named it as NU 2-26. NU 2-26 cells grew well in vitro with Eagle's MEM plus L-15 medium (6% FCS) alone. Flat epithe-lial cells grew like a sheet in groups in monolay-er culture. Chromosome analysis revealed near diploid and mode number was 46.
Colony forming efficiency in soft agar was 51% and 36%, inoculated 1×102 cells and 1×103 cells in 60 mm dish, respectively. NU 2-26 cells formed solid tumor differed from the original ependymo-ma. There were more spindle shaped cells and pseudorosettes were uncommon.
Dibutyryl adenosine 3´ ; 5´-cyclic monophosphate (db-cAMP) and cytochalasin B induced NU 2-26 cells astrocytic transformation in vitro. These cha-nges were reversible, but became irreversible when NU 2-26 cells were treated with each drugs over seven days long. It suggested that NU 2-26 cells have a glial character.

Copyright © 1983, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.