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抄録 血管の薬物反応性は動物の種類により著しく異なるといわれている。本研究ではヒトとイヌ脳血管の薬物反応性を比較検討しその相違点を求め,ヒト脳血管の特徴を明らかにすることを目的とした。ヒト剖検時に脳底動脈を摘出しリング状標本とし,等尺性張力変化をin vitroで測定し各薬物に対する用量反応曲線を求め,KCI収縮に対する%で表示した。イヌにおいても同様の操作をおこなった。その結果ヒトおよびイヌ脳底動脈の各薬物に対する収綿能は,serotonin (10−6M)でヒト65.0±7.1%(M±SE)(n=7),イヌ86.6±9.7(n=12),prostaglandin F2α(10−5M)でヒト161.9±8.4(n=7),イヌ91.7±7.7(n=16),norepinephrine (10−5M)でヒト48.4±10.8(n=6),イヌ3. 8±1.5(n=7),hemoglobin (10−4M)でヒト16./±6.2(n=7),イヌ59.1±9.6(n=12)であった。すなわちserotonin, prostaglandin F2αはヒトおよびイヌ脳血管を共によく収縮させ, norepinephrineはイヌ脳血管を収縮させずヒト脳血管をよく収縮し,またhemoglobinはイヌ脳血をよく収縮させるがヒト脳血管はほとんど収縮させないことがわかった。これらの実験事実から脳血管攣縮における交感神経系の関与を再検討する必要性が示唆され,またhemoglobinが脳血管攣縮に直接収縮物質として作用していることはありえないものと考えられた。
Differencies between human and canine basilar arteries in contractile responses to various agents were studied in vitro. Human basilar arteries were obtained at postmortem. Serotonin or prosta-glandin F2α contracted greatly both human and canine basilar arteries. There was no difference between the two vessels in serotonin- or prosta-glandin F2α-induced contractions. In contrast, gre-at differences were found between the two arte-ries in response to norepinephrine or hemoglobin. Human basilar arteries contracted markedly to norepinephrine while canine basilar arteries did not contract to norepinephrine. This data sugge-sts that sympathetics might play a more impor-tant role in the genesis of vasospasm after sub-arachnoid hemorrhage than has been previously thought. Hemoglobin did not elicit a contraction in human basilar arteries whereas it produced marked contractions in canine basilar arteries. This result indicates that possible participation of hemoglobin as a causative agent in vasospasm could be ruled out. In view of these differencies between human and canine cerebral arteries, the canine seems unsuitable for an experimental mo-del of cerebral vasospasm.

Copyright © 1983, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.