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抄録 脳腫瘍は多数の組織型があり,各組織型により予後が異なるため,もっとも近似した組織型と予後を示すg1ioblastoma multiformeとmalignant astrocytomaの症例だけを選んでlevamisoleを投与した群15例とほぼ同時期にlevamisole投与以外について同じような治療を行ったhistoricalな対照群18例とで生存率の比較を行ったので,その結果を報告する。術後3年半の予後調査をもとにした両群の累積生存率を比較すると,成人例でlevamisole投与群は手術と放射線化学療法だけで治療した対照群に比べ,有意な延命効果を示した(P<0.05)。また,副作用0については上記疾患以外の疾患も含めたlevamisole投与群34例について報告した。
The long-term therapeutic results in patients with glioblastoma multiforme and malignant astro-cytoma were compared between 15 cases of leva-misole treated group and 18 cases of control group similar in method and time of treatment to the levamisole treated group. As the result, it was found that the prolongation of life was noted in the levamisole treated group compared with the control. In adult patients, the levamisole treated group survived significantly longer than the con-trol group (p<O.05). There is, however, no signi-ficant difference of prolongation of the survival time between the levamisole treated (8 cases) and control (8 cases) groups, both which were pretreated by chemoradiotherapy using ACNU and vincristine. This paper refers also to side effects of levamisole.

Copyright © 1983, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.