

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


EFFECTS OF HYPO- OR HYPERGLYCEMIA ON BRAIN METABOLISM IN EXPERIMENTAL CEREBRAL ISCHEMIA Yasuo Nakatomi 1 , Masatoshi Fujishima 1 , Fujio Yoshida 1 , Setsuro Ibayashi 1 , Osamu Shiokawa 1 , Teruo Omae 1 1Second Department of Internal Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Kyushu University pp.161-165
Published Date 1983/2/1
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1406205073
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Glucose, lactate, pyruvate and adenosine tripho-sphate (ATP) concentrations in the supratentorial brain tissue frozen in situ were measured one hour after bilateral carotid occlusion in spontaneously hypertensive rats, of which blood glucose levels were varied by intraperitoneally injected insulin (hypoglycemia), saline (normoglycemia) and 50% glucose (hyperglycemia).

Cerebral glucose concentrations as well as blood glucose levels were significantly increased in hy-perglycemic animals, and decreased in hypoglyce-mic ones. Cerebral lactate, and lactate/pyruvate ratio at one-hour ischemia tended to increase in hyperglycemic animals comparing with those in normoglycemic ones, although cerebral ATP le-vels were slightly higher in the former. In hypo-glycemic animals with one-hour ischemia, cere-bral lactate was less increased but ATP was sig-nificantly reduced.

It has been reported that hyperglycemia has vul-nerable effects on brain metabolism of complete cerebral ischemia, presumably due to hyperglyce-mia-induced lactic acidosis of the brain. In incom-plete cerebral ischemia as demonstrated in the pre-sent study, however, ATP concentrations remained at slightly higher level, despite tendency to more increase in lactate in hyperglycemic animals, in-dicating that high blood glucose level might be benefical, rather than vulnerable, to incomplete cerebral ischemia. On the other hand, hypoglyce-mia causes more severe impairment of the brain energy metabolism because of an insufficient sup-ply of substrates to the brain.

Copyright © 1983, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 2185-405X 印刷版ISSN 0006-8969 医学書院


