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抄録 核磁気共鳴法(NMR)を用いて,グリセロール投与時の脳浮腫組織中の水分子の動態を検討した。Wistar ratでcold injury edema群ならびにTET (Triethyl tin)中毒群を作成した。グリセロール治療群は大脳摘出30分前にグリセロール1g/kgを静注した。大脳組織の水分子の1H横緩和時間(T2)をMeiboom-Gill法にて測定した。またT2測定後水分含有量を乾燥重量法にて求めた。同時に血清浸透圧,血中グリセロール濃度を測定した。脳浮腫病巣のT2の変化の特長として,cold injuryでは損傷側灰白質と白質および反対側の自質で,TET中毒群は白質で,それぞれ速い成分と遅い成分の2成分に分かれるのが認められた。グリセロール投与にて両脳浮腫群ともにT2の遅い成分が速くなつた。また水分含有量もこのT2の変化部位にほぼ一致して滅少が認められた。水分含有量1%当りの緩和速度(1/T2)の変化はTET中毒群の方が大であつた。グリセロールは高浸透圧作用にて浮腫液中の自由に動きうる水分子を組織外にひき出し脳浮腫の改善を行なうことが推測された。
Effects of glycerol on the state of water in edematous brain tissues were studied by the pulse FT NMR technique. Brain edemas were induced experimentally by cold injury and triethyl tin (TET) intoxication in Wistar rats. Ten percent w/v glycerol (1g/kg body weight) were injected intravenously at 30 minutes before decapitation for the NMR measurements. Transverse relaxa-tion times (T2) in the cerebral gray and white matter were measured by Meiboom-Gill pulsesequence at the resonant frequency of 100 MHz. Water content were calculated from the difference between wet and dry weight after heating in an oven at 95-100℃ for 72 hours after the NMR measurements.
In the normal brain, T2 value was 76.4 msec and 75.4 msec in the gray and white matter respectively. In the edematous brain, T2 separated into two components, one slow and one fast, corresponding with the increase of water content. Values of the slow component (slow T2) were characteristic of both types of brain edema. In the cold injury edema, slow T2 values became 105 msec in the gray matter and 96 msec in the white matter, while in the TET induced edema, it became 450 msec in the white matter. After glycerol infusion, slow T2regions in both types of brain edema, showing 92.1 msec in the gray matter and 88.1 msec in the white matter of the cold injury edema, and 388 msec in the white matter of TET induced edema. The degree of the changes of slow T2 values per unit change of water content was greater in the cold injury edema than in the TET induced edema. Serum osmolality elevated 23.8mOsmol greater than the control value after glycerol infusion in this experiment. It is con-cluded from these findings that glycerol retracts free mobile water molecules from the edema fluid by osmotic pressure gradient.

Copyright © 1982, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.