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NUCLEAR MAGNETIC RESONANCE STUDIES ON BRAIN EDEMA : TIME COURSE OF 1H-NMR RELAXATION TIMES Shoji Naruse 1 , Yoshiharu Horikawa 1 , Chuzo Tanaka 1 , Kimiyoshi Hirakawa 1 , Hiroyasu Nishikawa 2 , Kazuo Yoshizaki 2 1Department of Neurosurgery, Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine 2Department of Physiology, Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine pp.569-575
Published Date 1981/6/1
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1406204772
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1. The state of water in normal and edematous brain tissue was studied by measurement of proton longitudinal (T1) and transverse (T2) relaxation times using pulsed nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) technique.

2. In control rats, T1 and T2 of water showed one component, which was more fast in white matter. Those values displayed 1.07-1.18sec. of T1 and 75-76 msec. of T2.

3. When rat brain was injured by cold, T1 was obserbed to become more longer (1.18-1.27sec.), and T2 was observed to be separated into two components, the faster T2 (45-50msec.) and slower T2 (100-105msec.), in both gray and white matter of the injured side.

4. In triethyltin (TET) induced brain edema, elon- gation of T1 (1.2sec.) and remarkable separation of T2, faster T2 (75msec.) and slower T2 (400- 450msec.), were observed in white matter.

5. In both cold and TET induced edema, slower T2 fraction is suggested to be the extracellular space and faster T2 fraction, intracellular.

6. T2 changes precede the water content changes in cold injury, and parallel in TET induced edema. Those changes of relaxation times are reversible.

7. T2 changes of water is more sensitive than the T1 for the detection of production and disap- pearance of brain edema.

8. These results disclose the dynamic movements of water during the course of brain edema and offered significant information of the clinical applicaton of NMR-CT.

Copyright © 1981, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 2185-405X 印刷版ISSN 0006-8969 医学書院


